Date: Tue, 4 Oct 94 04:30:28 PDT From: Ham-Digital Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Ham-Digital-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Ham-Digital@UCSD.Edu Precedence: List Subject: Ham-Digital Digest V94 #329 To: Ham-Digital Ham-Digital Digest Tue, 4 Oct 94 Volume 94 : Issue 329 Today's Topics: 56k+ Packet System 9600 and greater on Packet! EME digital link HTX-202 to TNC Is there a cheap 1200baud link out there? Kantronics 9612 - What is it Maillist for WNOS pk232 and LINUX Southeast PBBSs? THENET X1J2 TNC (KPC-3 versus MFJ-1274C) TNC to HTX-202 Where to get XPCOM? Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Ham-Digital Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-digital". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 4 Oct 94 00:39:56 GMT From: (Erich Muschinske) Subject: 56k+ Packet System [TEXT DELETED] >Sorry to rain on your parade, but others have been down the path >you want to take before you, and it doesn't work. Adapting high >speed telephone modem techniques to multipoint to multipoint radio >systems is a lost cause. The problems of packet radio are *different* >from those of the telephone network, and require different solutions. > >Gary >-- >Gary Coffman KE4ZV | You make it, | gatech!wa4mei!ke4zv!gary >Destructive Testing Systems | we break it. | emory!kd4nc!ke4zv!gary >534 Shannon Way | Guaranteed! | >Lawrenceville, GA 30244 | | Don't be too fast to dismiss this idea. One of the things packet networking desperately needs is a cheap high speed data link. This is necessary for operating a cellular packet concept. It would only have to work with the radio on the other end, so adapting would not be out of the question. If the price of a link could come down to about $600, I would be very interested. Erich Muschinske KA6AMD @ WA6YBN.#SOCA.CA.USA.NA DM15bp Politicians, like diapers, should be changed often... ...and for the same reasons. Tom Blair ------------------------------ Date: 3 Oct 1994 09:30:22 -0700 From: (Hugh Shane) Subject: 9600 and greater on Packet! In article <36f97q$>, Don Schleede wrote: > > I would implement most of the signal processing in a TI dsp chip. This >would make the modems kind of expensive, But definately worth it! However the >chip count would be low. AND (a BIG and) you could change the software >and speed the modem up without buying a NEW modem. We could also be >backward compatable with the 1200bps modems now. Be sure to check out TAPR's new platform, the DSP-93. No sense reinventing the wheel. I wonder if it's fast enough to implement a 56kbps scheme? > > Other than the problems of S/N ratio, and the receiver syncing on >the transmitter EVERY time you want to transmit data, and the writing of the >software, which I can take care of (hopefully). Can anyone think of >another problem that would sink this idea? > I remember reading somewhere that the present state of the art in modem design approaches something like 80% of Shannon's theoretical maximum. It would be interesting to see the numbers that you come up with for just what the maximum *is* for an amateur VHF channel. Achieving the state of the art is, of course, another matter. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Hugh Shane | 206 487 5909 (PST) Motorola Wireless Data | N7UAX | "Ain't nobody gets outa here, | without singin' the blues" -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 3 Oct 1994 18:05:26 GMT From: (David Tiller) Subject: EME digital link Elendir ( wrote: : Hi ! : Well, that's just a weird idea. : I was wondering about the possibility of setting up a 10 GHz/2 Mbauds EME : link between the US and Europe. : That'd be fantastic, wouldn't it ? Each time the moon would be up, we could : transfer enormous amount of data... : Let's assume a 10 W output and a 33 dB dish. Attenuation is something like : 280 dB ; so we get -237 dB. We have again the 33 dB gain, so it goes -204 dB : or 446 pV sensitivity. : That's tough, but why not ? Don't forget Faraday rotation, libration fading, etc...Why not wait for the phase 3d sats - geostationary beats the tar out of the moon, IMHO, and it's a lot closer (shorter delay time). -- David Tiller | Network Administrator | Voice: (804) 752-3710 | | n2kau/4 | Randolph-Macon College| Fax: (804) 752-7231 | "Drunk, [Beowulf] slew no | P.O. Box 5005 | ICBM: 37d 42' 43.75" N | hearth companions." | Ashland, Va 23005 | 77d 31' 32.19" W | ------------------------------ Date: 3 Oct 94 13:36:14 GMT From: Bren.Doreck@utmb.EDU (Bren Doreck) Subject: HTX-202 to TNC I have seen wiring diagrams for this application in a back issue of 73 AMateur Radio. The pin outs (I am almost positive)are the same as an Alinco DJ-580. You can call any of the mail order places and they can tell you how this is done. Pin 3 is not used. I have an Alinco DJ-162TD and it has the same pinouts. If anyone would like the exact issue I could find it in my library of junk. 73's Bren Doreck Network Analyst University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 3 Oct 1994 11:09:52 LOCAL From: (Gordon R. Southam) Subject: Is there a cheap 1200baud link out there? I am looking for a low cost solution to radio linking low speed serial data. 1200 baud is fine, slower might be ok. I want to transmit from a metering station to an IBM about 1/2 to 2 miles away. I know that running cable would be simpler, but isn't very practical in my case. I am looking into building my own Tx/Rcv pair, probably with the NE605, or MC3367 Rcvr, and a cookbook Tx, but since my experience is more in digital and less in radio, I'm having trouble rounding up the pieces the app. notes example circuits recomend. Digi-Key, Mouser etc. just don't seem to "do" radio. If someone has built such a pair, or if such is commercially available, I'd like to purchase rather than build. Alternatively, source recomendations (for the coils, filters etc.), proven schematics, advise, etc. would be very helpful. Also, I've read chunks of CFR 47, and get the impression that 49Mhz would be the easiest freq. to deal with, but I would like to get my hands on a layman's guide to the subject. Does the ARRL publish anything specific to my type of project? Thanks in advance, Gordon Southam ------------------------------ Date: 3 Oct 1994 17:02:24 GMT From: (Hank Oredson) Subject: Kantronics 9612 - What is it In article <>, (John Rumball) writes: |> Can someone please tell me what the Kantronics 9612 is? Is it a tnc like |> the KPC4 but with both a 9600 bps rf port and a 1200 bps rf port? Or is it |> a modem that only works with the Kantronics Data Engine? |> |> Thanks in advance for any/all replies. It is like the kpc4 in that it has two ports you can use at the same time, like the kpc-3 in that it is small and low power. One port runs at 1200, the other at 9600. We have quite a few of them in our network already, and they work great! ... Hank -- Hank Oredson @ Mentor Graphics Library Operations Internet : "Parts 'R Us!" Amateur Radio: W0RLI@W0RLI.OR.USA.NOAM ------------------------------ Date: 3 Oct 94 14:25:48 GMT From: fernando@edugraf.ufsc.BR (Luiz Fernando Bier Melgarejo) Subject: Maillist for WNOS From Mark Ellis: >Is there a maillist or mailgroup or ftp-site related to the >use and/or development of WNOS? You could get in touch with all Wnos developers joining the distribution list WNOS-L ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To subscribe, just send a mail to: with content: SUBSCRIBE WNOS-L ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please ask there for pop3 (sure the guys will do the job ;-) The good news about wnos: - no more memory leaks - IP access is coming soon (thanks to barry tittmars) about sites: - - last week, brazilian's science&technology ministry announced that Florianopolis (ufsc) will be linked to the brand new 2 megabits backbone. Then it will be better to get wnos stuff (two months, people said). - - there are the last exes produced by barry: hamradio/packet/tcpip/incoming/wnos-9408xx.exe 73! de fernando -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 3 Oct 1994 12:55:52 GMT From: Subject: pk232 and LINUX Hi Networkers, i am looking for software to run a pk232 with a LINUX machine. Does anyone know a ftp server where such a beast is living ? thx ahead ! 55, 73 Thomas -- Thomas Krull 20357 Hamburg / Germany Linux 1.0.9 and DOS 6.2 livin' in the 486/33 box [pgp 2.3a public key available on request] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 3 Oct 1994 13:45:02 GMT From: (Steve Ford (WB8IMY)) Subject: Southeast PBBSs? Can anyone provide call signs and frequencies for 2-meter packet PBBSs in: Washington, DC Richmond, VA Raleigh, NC Jacksonville, FL Thanks . . . Steve, WB8IMY ------------------------------ Date: 4 Oct 94 05:38:16 GMT From: jim.ridley@aznetig.stat.COM (Jim Ridley) Subject: THENET X1J2 I am having a problem with the memory deteriorating on a X1J2 firmware. The memory seems to deteriorate worse when large file transfers and etc are being passed. I am using a Tiny II with a DCD board installed. Meter switches have been toggled off. I understand this is somewhat of a common problem and I wonder if anyone has a solution. Thanks de Jim Ridley (K5LGW) ------------------------------ Date: 3 Oct 1994 17:05:21 GMT From: (Hank Oredson) Subject: TNC (KPC-3 versus MFJ-1274C) In article , (Greg Balfanz) writes: |> Frode Weierud ( wrote: |> : I am considering buying a TNC and would very much like |> : your opinions, experiences, etc. |> |> : I have read the QST review of differnet TNCs in Dec. 1993 |> : and I have narrowed my choice down to the KPC-3 or |> : the MFJ-1274C. The MFJ-1274C was not reviewed in Dec. 93, |> : but rather the MFJ-1274B, the earlier model. |> |> I am considering the KPC-3 also, my only concern is that |> 1200 baud will be obsolete soon, but I am a packet newbie, |> so I don't know if 9600 is prevalent here in the states. |> |> Still, at $115 US, it is a low risk proposition. |> 9600 baud TNC's are about $225. |> |> What is the net wisdom? |> |> Greg kpc-9612 at roughly US $200 or a little less gives you both options - one port runs 1200, the other port runs 9600. You can use both ports at the same time. ... Hank -- Hank Oredson @ Mentor Graphics Library Operations Internet : "Parts 'R Us!" Amateur Radio: W0RLI@W0RLI.OR.USA.NOAM ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 03 Oct 94 09:09:38 CDT From: Subject: TNC to HTX-202 In article , writes: > I need to wire a cable to go betwen my new Kantronics KPC-3 and my > Tandy HTX-202 hand held. Are there any hidden things I need to know about > before I damage the HT? Has anyone else made this cable.Please advise. I have exactly this setup. Make the cable as indicated for an Icom or Yaesu handheld. Forget the capacitor and resistor and use the internal components of the KPC. To do this set the jumper as the owner's manual indicates. If the HTX-202 will not key change the keying resistor in the KPC to 2.5k Ohms. This is well down from what was in there but it works properly. This setup works with my HTX-202 a Yaesu FT-530 and an Icom 2iA. I don't remember the keying resistor component number but it is near the back of the board and well documented in the manual. ------------------------------ Date: 3 Oct 1994 20:00:45 GMT From: (Gary L. Johnson) Subject: Where to get XPCOM? In article , (Kenneth Seymour) says: > >Greetings, > >Would some kind soul please tell me how to get a copy of XPCOM? > >My understanding is that this is a RTTY (possibly other modes) terminal >program that is highly regarded by some. I beleive it was written >by KF7XP. > >If someone is aware of an FTP site where it can be found please let me know. >Otherwise, I'll try mailing a note to the callbook address for KF7XP. > >Thanks in advance. >-- You can FTP XPCOM from the following site. directory pub/software/msdos/hamradio/xpware The following files are available.. XPCOM153.ZIP MFJ-1278 AEA PK88 or PK232 (host mode) XPKAM153.ZIP Kantronics All Mode Version 6.0 or higher firmware. Host Mode XPDU152.ZIP AEA PK900 or DSP2232 These programs support all current available modes on these TNCs. 73 Gary *************************************************************************** Gary L. Johnson KF7XP * 702 S. Ashbrook * Mesa, Arizona 85205 CIS : 74041,2317 * (602) 833-6997 Voice XPCOM / XPDUAL / XPKAM * (602) 898-1058 BBS 2400->14400 *************************************************************************** ------------------------------ End of Ham-Digital Digest V94 #329 ******************************